Saturday, June 20, 2009

Duke University Alice Symposium

The presentation I gave at Duke University last week went well. What a beautiful place! I left my iphone in the taxi on the way to the airport, but the driver was kind enough to take it back to my hotel, and the hotel people are mailing it to my home. Gotta love those North Carolina folk!

I talked with the Alice people (Steve, Wanda, Pam, Don) about my idea to get tech/art schools to partner with Alice and have students create more objects for the galleries that teachers can use in their curriculum, and they gave me a green light. On the way home from NC, I had a layover in Phoenix, and met with the provost from the University for Advancing Technology in Tempe. He is enthused about the idea, and hopefully we can get something set up. I'm going to look into setting up appointments with other art schools in the Bay Area to see if I can get others on board.

One exciting find at the Alice Symposium was that Alice 2.2 now has all the bugs worked out and is ready for download from We've been using 2.0 this year, because it was more stable. Alice 2.2., however, provides the ability to create video files of the Alice worlds that can be shared on the Web. You can view a student-created Alice world here that relates to 6th grade Language Arts/Social Studies standards, created this past school year in the Union School District. Other samples can be viewed at the "Critical Thinking with Alice" website.